Tuesday, December 4, 2012


This is an intense post, and might be hard to read...but it's a very important one, a very moving and inspiring story that is a prime example of how common and neglectful and cruel abusers are and can be to their animals. Despite his tragic and sickening past, this dog was able to recover and forgive and remain a gentle and loving soul. He has also become a beloved ambassador not only to his breed, but to the countless victims of abuse and neglect.

This is Patrick.

Looks beautiful, happy and healthy doesn't he? Well he hasn't always been this lucky. 

The image below may be disturbing to some, the first time I saw it I felt physically ill. Perhaps you cannot bare to see something so awful, and may feel the need to look away. At first I had that same thought process, and  then I realized, looking away is part of the problem...because issues like this have been ignored too much and for too long. So I forced myself to look at this photo again and again, and I have never seen such suffering on any beings face in my life. As hard as it may be, I think it is necessary to see things like this in our lives. Images and stories like this shock us and make us stop, think, care and maybe even count our blessings. But there are so many homeless, neglected and abused animals of all kinds out there who are desperate for help, support and love. So I ask you to try not to look away. 

This is Patrick on March 16, 2011 when he arrived at Newark's Animal Shelter. 

He was found in a garbage bag at the bottom of a 19 story building's garbage chute by a maintenance worker who came on a Wednesday to empty the bin and dump the trash into a compactor. He felt the bag move as he picked it up, so he opened it and this was what he found. When Patrick arrived at the hospital, his temperature was so low that it did not even register on the thermometer. He was immediately given fluids and covered in blankets and heating pads, and also received a blood transfusion and a bath. Once stabilized he was moved to an animal hospital where he would receive intensive 24 hour care. And his progress was remarkable...

2 days into recovery...

12 days into recovery...

He is proof that even a pit bull can recover from a traumatic nightmare of a past, forgive and continue living their lives happily if they are lucky to be rescued and rehabilitated. 

photo credit: http://www.facebook.com/ThePatrickMiracle

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